Classical Particle in a Box with Random Potential: exploiting rotational symmetry of replicated Hamiltonian
Classical Representation of the 1D Anderson Model
Classical singularities and Semi-Poisson statistics in quantum chaos and disordered systems
Classical Topological Order in Kagome Ice
Classical transverse Ising spin glass with short- range interaction beyond the mean field approximation
Classical versus Quantum Structure of the Scattering Probability Matrix. Chaotic wave-guides
Clique percolation in random networks
Closed-Form Density of States and Localization Length for a Non-Hermitian Disordered System
Cluster derivation of Parisi's RSB solution for disordered systems
Cluster evolution in steady-state two-phase flow in porous media
Cluster model of glass transition in simple liquids
Cluster Monte Carlo algorithms for diluted spin glasses
Clustering analysis of the ground-state structure of the vertex-cover problem
Clustering and Synchronization of Oscillator Networks
Clustering in complex networks. I. General formalism
Clustering in complex networks. II. Percolation properties
Clustering in mixing flows
Clustering of solutions in the random satisfiability problem
Clustering stock market companies via chaotic map synchronization
Clustering with shallow trees