Characterization of the channel diffusion in a sodium tetrasilicate glass via molecular-dynamics simulations
Characterization of the complex ion dynamics in lithium silicate glasses via computer simulations
Characterization of the Dynamics of Glass-forming Liquids from the Properties of the Potential Energy Landscape
Characterization of the glass transition in vitreous silica by temperature scanning small-angle X-ray scattering
Characterizing and Improving Generalized Belief Propagation Algorithms on the 2D Edwards-Anderson Model
Characterizing Short Necklace States in Logarithmic Transmission Spectrum of Strongly Localized Systems
Characterizing the dynamical importance of network nodes and links
Characterizing the intermediate phases of elastic networks through topological analysis
Characterizing the structure of small-world networks
Charge and momentum transfer in supercooled melts: Why should their relaxation times differ?
Charge Carrier Transport in Metal Phthalocyanine Based Disordered Thin Films
Charge glass in two-dimensional arrays of capacitively coupled grains with random offset charges
Charge induced energy fluctuations in thin organic films: effect on charge transport
Charge Transfer and Charge Transport on the Double Helix
Charge transport in disordered organic solids: A Monte Carlo simulation study on the effects of film morphology
Charge Transport in DNA Segments with fractal structures
Charged impurity scattering limited low temperature resistivity of low density silicon inversion layers
Chebyshev expansion approach to the AC conductivity of the Anderson model
Chemical and magnetic impurity effects on electronic properties of semiconductor quantum wires
Chemical localization