The triangular Ising model with nearest- and next-nearest-neighbor couplings in a field
The vibrating inhomogeneous string: a topic for a course in Computational Physics
The wave packet propagation using wavelets
Theory of electrical rectification in a molecular monolayer
Theory of Small Para-Hydrogen Clusters: Magic Numbers and Superfluid Sizes
Theory of Systematic Computational Error in Free Energy Differences
Thermal conduction and interface effects in nanoscale Fermi-Pasta-Ulam conductors
Thermal dissociation of dipositronium: path integral Monte Carlo approach
Thermostats for "slow" configurational modes
Three-dimensional Finite Difference-Time Domain Solution of Dirac Equation
Three-dimensional multi-mesh material point method for solving collision problems
Three-Dimensional Multi-Relaxation Time (MRT) Lattice-Boltzmann Models for Multiphase Flow
Three-dimensional relativistic particle-in-cell hybrid code based on an exponential integrator
Tight binding description of the electronic response of a molecular device to an applied voltage
Tight open knots
Time Parallel Scalable Multiphysics/Multiscale Framework
Time-domain simulation of the full hydrodynamic model
Time-Symmetric ADI and Causal Reconnection: Stable Numerical Techniques for Hyperbolic Systems on Moving Grids
Topologically Modulated Signals and Predicate Gates For Their Processing
Towards an efficient multiscale modeling of low-dimensional reactive systems: study of numerical closure procedures