Clustering in random line graphs
Coarse-grained analysis of a lattice Boltzmann model for planar streamer fronts
Coarse-grained computation of traveling waves of lattice Boltzmann models with Newton-Krylov solvers
Code C# for chaos analysis of relativistic many-body systems
Code C# for chaos analysis of relativistic many-body systems with reactions
Colored-noise thermostats à la carte
Combination of OFDM and CDMA for high data rate UWB
Combining multigrid and wavelet ideas to construct more efficient multiscale algorithms for the solution of Poisson's equation
Comment on "A note on generalized radial mesh generation for plasma electronic structure"
Commissioning the CDF Offline Software
Common Molecular Dynamics Algorithms Revisited: Accuracy and Optimal Time Steps of Stoermer-Leapfrog Integrators
Comparision of direct and Fourier space techniques in time-dependent density functional theory
Comparison of localization procedures for applications in crystal embedding
Comparison of phase-field models for surface diffusion
Comparison of time splitting and backsubstitution methods for integrating Vlasov's equation with magnetic fields
Comparison of Various Methods for the Calculation of the Distance Potential Field
Complex Scaling of the Faddeev Equations
Comprehensive study of the vapour-liquid equilibria of the pure two-centre Lennard-Jones plus pointdipole fluid
Compressed Multiple-Row Storage Format
Computation and visualization of Casimir forces in arbitrary geometries: non-monotonic lateral forces and failure of proximity-force approximations