Energy- and flux-budget (EFB) turbulence closure model for the stably stratified flows. Part I: Steady-state, homogeneous regimes
Energy- and flux-budget turbulence closure model for stably stratified flows. Part II: the role of internal gravity waves
Ensemble Dynamics and Bred Vectors
Ensemble Kalman filter with the unscented transform
Entropic "sound" in the atmosphere
Entropy production and multiple equilibria: the case of the ice-albedo feedback
Environmental Physics: Physical Principles and Applications
Estimating black carbon aging time-scales with a particle-resolved aerosol model
Estimating Surface Sediments Using Multibeam Sonar
Evaluating the Cloud Cover Forecast of NCEP Global Forecast System with Satellite Observation
Evaluating the quality of ground-based microwave radiometer measurements and retrievals using detrended fluctuation and spectral analysis methods
Evidence for a k^{-5/3} spectrum from the EOLE Lagrangian balloons in the low stratosphere
Evidence for super-exponentially accelerating atmospheric carbon dioxide growth
Evidences for Skeletal Structures in the Ocean from the Images Analyzed by Multilevel Dynamical Contrasting Method
Evolution of surface gravity waves over a submarine canyon
Excitation of slow MJO-like Kelvin waves in the equatorial atmosphere by Yanai wave-group via WISHE-induced convection
Exciton matter sustained by colossal dispersive interactions due to enhanced polarizability: Possible clue to ball lightning
Experimental study of the wind effect on focusing of transient wave groups
Explicit wave-averaged primitive equations using a Generalized Lagrangian Mean
Extension of the MIRS computer package for the modeling of molecular spectra : from effective to full ab initio ro-vibrational hamiltonians in irreducible tensor form