Comparing the ensemble mean and the ensemble standard deviation as inputs for probabilistic medium-range temperature forecasts
Comparison between Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter and PSAS in the NASA finite volume GCM: perfect model experiments
Comparison of Two Scale-Dependent Dynamic Subgrid-Scale Models for Simulations of Neutrally Buoyant Shear-Driven Atmospheric Boundary Layer Flows
Concept to assess the human perception of odour by estimating short-time peak concentrations from one-hour mean values. Reply to a comment by Müller et al
Constrained-Hamiltonian Shallow-Water Dynamics on the Sphere
Continuing dynamic assimilation of the inner region data in hydrodynamics modelling: Optimization approach
Correction of Teledyne Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) Bottom-Track Range Measurements for Instrument Pitch and Roll
Correlations between hurricane numbers and sea surface temperature: why does the correlation disappear at landfall?
Cosmic Rays and Climate
Cosmic Rays and Solar Insolation as the Main Control Parameters of the Catastrophe Theory of Climatic Response to Orbital Variations
Coupled Atmosphere-Fire Simulations of Fireflux: Impacts of Model Resolution on Model Performance
Coupled atmosphere-wildland fire modeling with WRF-Fire
Current effects on scattering of surface gravity waves by bottom topography