Rapid cavity prototyping using mode matching and globalised scattering matrix
Rapid Cycling Synchrotron Option for Project X
Rapid-cycling synchrotron with variable momentum compaction
RBF neural net based classifier for the AIRIX accelerator fault diagnosis
Re-Engineering of the GSI Control System
Real and Image Fields of a Relativistic Bunch
Recent Advances in Electron and Positron Sources
Recent Developments in Simulations of an Inverse Cyclotron for Intense Muon Beams
Recent MARS15 developments: nuclide inventory, DPA and gas production
Recent Progress at SLAC Extracting High Charge from Highly-Polarized Photocathodes for Future-Collider Applications
Recent Progress of RF Cavity Study at Mucool Test Area
Recent Progress Towards a Cost-Effective Neutrino Factory Design
Recirculating BBU thresholds for polarized HOMs with optical coupling
Reconstruction of Initial Beam Conditions at the Exit of the DARHT II Accelerator
Reflective Optical System for Time-Resolved Electron Bunch Measurements at PITZ
Rejuvenation of the Controls for the CERN PS/Isolde Facilty Using Industrial Components
Relativistic Electron Facility for Education and Research at Hiroshima University
Relativistic Quantum States of an Electron with Anomalous Magnetic Moment in an Electromagnetic Wave Field and a Homogeneous Magnetic Field
Relativistic Stern-Gerlach Interaction in an RF Cavity
Relaxation and Emittance Growth of a Thermal Charged-Particle Beam