Parameter Sets for 10 TeV and 100 TeV Muon Colliders, and their Study at the HEMC'99 Workshop
Parameters for a 30 GeV Undulator Test Facility in the FFTB/LCLS
Parameters for a Super-Flavor-Factory
Parameters of the crystalline undulator and its radiation for particular experimental conditions
Parametric optimization for an x-ray Free Electron Laser with a laser wiggler
Parametrization of the Driven Betatron Oscillation
Paraxial Green's functions in Synchrotron Radiation theory
Particle Acceleration in a Helical Wave Guide
Particle Motion in the Stable Region Near an Edge of a Linear Half-Integer Stopband
Particle Motion in the Stable Region Near an Edge of a Linear Sum Resonance Stopband
Particle Refraction, Reflection and Channeling by Laser Beams
Particle tracking in the ILC extraction lines with DIMAD and BDSIM
Particle-In-Cell Simulation of RFQ in SSC - Linac
Performance evolution and expectations management: lessons from Tevatron and other machines
Performance of the CDF Miniplug Calorimeters
Permanent magnets including undulators and wigglers
Phase Rotation, Cooling And Acceleration Of Muon Beams: A Comparison Of Different Approaches
Photocathode Behavior During High Current Running in the Cornell ERL Photoinjector
Photoinjector design for the LCLS
Photoinjector-generation of a flat electron beam with transverse emittance ratio of 100