On the "circular vacuum noise" in electron storage rings
On the Possibility of the Strong Field QED Investigation at LHC
On the Problem of the Coupled Cavity Chain Characteristic Calculations
On the production of flat electron bunches for laser wake field acceleration
On the Response of an OST to a Point-like Heat Source
On the Use of CORBA in High Level Software Applications at the SLS
On Two-cavity Coupling
On violation of the Robinson's damping criterion and enhanced cooling of ion, electron and muon beams in storage rings
On volume reflection of ultrarelativistic particles in single crystals
One Dimensional Nonlinear Wake-fields Excited in a Cold Plasma by Charged Bunches
One-dimensional Model of a Gamma Klystron
Online Model Server for the Jefferson Lab accelerator
Open Cavity Solutions to the rf in Magnetic Field Problem
Operational Aspects of the High Current Upgrade at the Unilac
Operational aspects of the Main Injector large aperture quadrupole (WQB)
Optical approximation in the theory of geometric impedance
Optical Diffraction Radiation from a beam off a circular target
Optical Diffraction-Transition Radiation Interferometry and its Application to the Measurement of Beam Divergence
Optical Klystron Enhancement to SASE X-ray FELs
Optical Manipulation of Relativistic Electron Beams using THz Pulses