Nonlinear Localized Coherent Spectrum of Beam-Beam Interactions
Nonlinear Longitudinal Waves in High Energy Stored Beams
Nonlinear Motion in Electromagnetic Fields via Multiscale Expansions
Nonlinear QED Effects in Heavy Ion Collisions
Nonlinearities and Effects of Transverse Beam Size in Beam Position Monitors (revised)
Normal Mode Tunes for Linear Coupled Motion in Six Dimensional Phase Space
Novel approach for spin-flipping a stored polarized beam
Novel Method of Measuring Electron Positron Colliding Beam Parameters
Nuclear Photonics
Nuclear Waste Transmutation in Subcritical Reactors Driven by Target-Distributed Accelerators
Number of photons and brilliance of the radiation from a crystalline undulator
Numerical Analysis of a Beam-Energy-Spread Monitor Using Multi-Stripline Electrodes
Numerical Analysis of Space Charge Effects in Electron Bunches at Laser-Driven Plasma Accelerators
Numerical Calculation of Coherent Synchrotron Radiation Effects Using TraFiC4
Numerical calculations of a high brilliance synchrotron source and on issues with characterizing strong radiation damping effects in non-linear Thomson/Compton backscattering experiments
Numerical modeling of a high power terahertz source at Shanghai
Numerical modeling of a table-top tunable Smith-Purcell Terahertz free-electron laser operating in the super-radiant regime
Numerical Reconstruction of the Linac Beam De-bunching in the DC-operated Booster
Numerical Studies on Locally Damped Structures