Integration of a New Knobbox in the PSI Control Systems ACS and EPICS
Intense high-quality medical proton beams via laser fields
Intense Super-radiant X-rays from a Compact Source using a Nanocathode Array and Emittance Exchange
Intensity issues and machine protection of the HE-LHC
Interference of diffraction and transition radiation and its application as a beam divergence diagnostic
Intrabeam Scattering Analysis of ATF Beam Data Taken in April 2000
Intrabeam Scattering Analysis of ATF Beam Measurements
Intrabeam scattering growth rates for a bi-gaussian beam
Introducing I/O Channels into the Device Database Opens New Potentialities for Configuration Management
Introduction of Modern Subsystems at the KEK Injector-linac
Introduction to Muon Cooling
Introduction to the Photon Collider
Introduction to the Physics of Free Electron Laser and Comparison with Conventional Laser Sources
Investigation of an alternate means of wakefield suppression in the main linacs of CLIC
Investigation of resonant polarization radiation of relativistic electrons in gratings at small angles
Investigation of the longitudinal component of an electron electromagnetic field under condition of the shadowing effect
Investigation of the transverse beam dynamics in the thermal wave model with a functional method
Investigations of Slow Motions of the SLAC Linac Tunnel
Ion Chambers for Monitoring the NuMI Neutrino Beam at FNAL
Ion-Hose Instability in Long Pulse Induction Accelerators