Energy Differential Structure and Exchange of A Micro Flux Increment of Charged Particles in Longitudinal Acceleration
Energy dispersion compensation and beam loading in X-band linacs for the JLC/NLC
Energy Loss of a High Charge Bunched Electron Beam in Plasma
Energy losses and efficiency of laser - electron X-ray generator for medical applications
Energy mechanism of charges analyzed in real current environment
Energy Phase Correlation and Pulse Dynamics in Short Bunch High Gain FELs
Energy Ramping for DAFNE-2
Energy Spectra from Electromagnetic Fields Generated by Ultra-relativistic Charged Bunches in a Perfectly Conducting Cylindrical Beam Pipe
Energy Stability in a High Intensity Pulsed SC Proton Linac
Energy stabilization of 1.5 GeV S-Band linac
Energy Transfer Mechanisms and Equipartitioning in non-Equilibrium Space- Charge-Dominated Beams
Enhanced Beam Deflection in Bent Crystals using Multiple Volume Reflection
Enhanced Optical Cooling of Ion Beams for LHC
Enhanced optical cooling of particle beams in storage rings
Enhanced Optical Cooling of Particle Beams in Storage Rings
Enhanced radiative ion cooling
EPICS Software Development for SNS VME-based Timing and RTDL System
Equilibrium Distribution and Tune Shift of Beams in a Linear Collider
Equilibrium ion distribution in the presence of clearing electrodes and its influence on electron dynamics