Coherence effects in the transition radiation spectrum and practical consequences
Coherence properties of the radiation from X-ray free electron laser
Coherent Beam-Beam Tune Shift of Unsymmetrical Beam-Beam Interactions with Large Beam-Beam Parameter
Coherent Beamstrahlung at the International Linear Collider
Coherent bremsstrahlung in a bent crystal
Coherent effects in crystal collimation
Coherent instabilities of intense high-energy "white" charged-particle beams in the presence of nonlocal effects within the context of the Madelung fluid description
Coherent inverse Compton scattering with attosecond electron bunches accelerated and compressed by radially polarized laser pulses
Coherent Nonlinear Phenomena in High Energy Synchrotrons: Observations and Theoretical Models
Coherent Radiation in Insertion Devices
Coherent Radiation in Insertion Devices-II
Coherent radiation of an ultra-relativistic charged particle channeled in a periodically bent crystal
Coherent radiation reaction effects in laser-vacuum acceleration of electron bunches
Coherent stacking of laser pulses in a high-Q optical cavity for accelerator applications
Coherent Structures and Pattern Formation in Vlasov-Maxwell-Poisson Systems
Coherent Synchrotron Radiation Measurements in the CLIC Test Facility (CTF II)
Collective Acceleration of Ions by Means of Plasmoids in RF Wells of Frequency-Modulated Laser Field
Collective Effect Studies of a Beta Beam Decay Ring
Collector Failures on 350 MHz, 1.2 MW CW Klystrons at the Low Energy Demonstration Accelerator (LEDA)
Collimation of a Circulating Beam in the U_70 Synchrotron by Use of Reflections in Axially - Oriented Crystals