Lyman Alpha Forest Cloud Sizes
Lyman Alpha Galaxies at High Redshift
Lyman Alpha Galaxies from Z=5.7 to 6.96 with Subaru
Lyman Alpha Observations of High Radial Velocity Stars
Lyman Alpha Observations of Io with STIS/HST
Lyman Break Galaxies At z 2 In The GOODS Fields
Lyman Break Galaxies at z>5: Young Galaxies in a Young Universe?
Lyman Break Galaxies in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field through Deep U-Band Imaging
Lyman Break Galaxy Candidates at z 3 - 5 in the Extended Groth Strip
Lyman-alpha Cloud Parameters at High Redshift
Lyman-alpha emission from the damped Lyman-alpha system toward H0836 + 113
Lyman-alpha Emitters At Redshift Z 4.5 In The Extended CDF-S Region: Luminosity Functions, Clustering And Lyman-alpha EW Distribution.
Lyman-Alpha Emitters in the Hierarchically Clustering Galaxy Formation
Lyman-Alpha Emitting Galaxies: A Diverse Population of Star-Forming Galaxies at High Redshift
Lyman-Alpha Line Center Continuum as a Diagnostic of the Winds of Bright a Stars
Lyman-alpha observations of comet Hyakutake with SWAN on SOHO
Lyman-Alpha Observations of High Radial Velocity Stars
Lyman-Pumped Recombination: A New Take on HeI Line Emission in the B2e Star lambda ERI