Universality of scaling and multiscaling in turbulent symmetric binary fluids
Universality of the Inertial-Convective Range in Kraichnan's Model of a Passive Scalar
Universality of Tsallis Non-Extensive Statistics and Fractal Dynamics for Complex Systems
Universality of Velocity Gradients in Forced Burgers Turbulence
Unmixing in Random Flows
Unpredictability, information, and chaos
Unstable dimension variability and synchronization of chaotic systems
Unstable Periodic Orbit Analysis of Histograms of Chaotic Time Series
Unstable periodic orbits in a chaotic meandering jet flow
Upper and lower bounds for the mutual information in dynamical networks
Use of Harmonic Inversion Techniques in Semiclassical Quantization and Analysis of Quantum Spectra
Use of Harmonic Inversion Techniques in the Periodic Orbit Quantization of Integrable Systems
Use of synchronization and adaptive control in parameter estimation from a time series
Using blinking fractals for mathematical modeling of processes of growth in biological systems
Using dimension reduction to improve outbreak predictability of multistrain diseases
Using Horseshoes to Create Coherent Structures
Using of Phenomenological Piecewise Continuous Map for Modeling of Neurons Behaviour
Using Resonances to Control Chaotic Mixing within a Translating and Rotating Droplet
Using Synchronization for Prediction of High-Dimensional Chaotic Dynamics
Using the Magnitude-Squared Coherence for Determining Order-Chaos Transition in a System Governed by Logistic Equation Dynamics