Universal level-spacing distribution in quantum systems
Universal long-time properties of Lagrangian statistics in the Batchelor regime and their application to the passive scalar problem
Universal Mandelbrot Set as a Model of Phase Transition Theory
Universal Model of Finite-Reynolds Number Turbulent Flow in Channels and Pipes
Universal Multifractal Properties of the Small Scale Intermittency in Anisotropic and Inhomogeneous Turbulence
Universal occurrence of mixed-synchronization in counter-rotating nonlinear coupled oscillators
Universal Power-law Decay in Hamiltonian Systems?
Universal Quantification for Self-Organized Criticality in Atmospheric Flows
Universal scaling exponents in shell models of turbulence: Viscous effects are finite-size corrections to scaling
Universal Scaling in Saddle-Node Bifurcation Cascades (I)
Universal Scaling in Saddle-Node Bifurcation Cascades (II) Intermittency Cascade
Universal Scaling Laws for Large Events in Driven Nonequilibrium Systems
Universal scaling laws of chaotic escape in dissipative multistable systems subjected to autoresonant excitations
Universal Scaling Properties in Large Assemblies of Simple Dynamical Units Driven by Long-Wave Random Forcing
Universal spectral correlations from the ballistic sigma model
Universal spectral form factor for chaotic dynamics
Universal spectral properties of spatially periodic quantum systems with chaotic classical dynamics
Universal spectral statistics in quantum graphs
Universal spectral statistics in Wigner-Dyson, chiral and Andreev star graphs I: construction and numerical results
Universal spectral statistics in Wigner-Dyson, chiral and Andreev star graphs II: semiclassical approach