The Dynamics Of Vortex Structures And States Of Current In Plasma-Like Fluids And The Electrical Explosion Of Conductors: 1. The model of a non-equilibrium phase transition
The Dynamics of Vortex Structures and States of Current in Plasma-Like Fluids and the Electrical Explosion of Conductors: 2. Computer experiment
The Dynamics of Vortex Structures and States of Current in Plasma-Like Fluids and the Electrical Explosion of Conductors: 3. Comparison with Experiment
The effect of asymmetric large-scale dissipation on energy and potential enstrophy injection in two-layer quasi-geostrophic turbulence
The Effect of Evanescent Modes and Chaos on Deterministic Scattering in Electron Waveguides
The Effect of Focusing and Caustics on Exit Phenomena in Systems Lacking Detailed Balance
The effect of forcing on the spatial structure and spectra of chaotically advected passive scalars
The effect of noise on parameter estimation in systems with complicated dynamics
The effect of noise on the dynamics of a complex map at the period-tripling accumulation point
The Effect of Small-Scale Forcing on Large-Scale Structures in Two-Dimensional Flows
The effects of additive noise and drift in the dynamics of the driving on chaotic synchronization
The Effects of Lagrangian vs. Population Dynamics on Plankton Patchiness Generation
The effects of large scales on the inertial range in high-Reynolds-number turbulence
The effects of symmetry on the dynamics of antigenic variation
The efficient computation of transition state resonances and reaction rates from a quantum normal form
The Elliptic Billiard: Subtleties of Separability
The energy budget in Rayleigh-Benard convection
The entropy of 'strange' billiards inside n-simplexes
The entropy of ``strange'' billiards inside n-simplexes
The Escape Problem for Irreversible Systems