The Bianchi Ix (MIXMASTER) Cosmological Model is Not Integrable
The bifurcation structure and noise induced transitions in the Pleistocene glacial cycles
The Bispectral Aliasing Test: A Clarification and Some Key Examples
The Bogdanov Map: Bifurcations, Mode Locking, and Chaos in a Dissipative System
The Breakdown of Dynamic Scaling and Intermittency in a Cascade Model of Turbulence
The Breakup Condition of Shearless KAM Curves in the Quadratic Map
The Building Blocks of Spatiotemporal Intermittency
The Burnett expansion of the periodic Lorentz gas
The Camassa-Holm equations as a closure model for turbulent channel flow
The cascades route to chaos
The cat's cradle, stirring, and topological complexity
The Classical and Quantum Mechanics of Lazy Baker Maps
The classical dynamics of two-electron atoms near the triple collision
The clustering instability of inertial particles spatial distribution in turbulent flows
The combined effect of chemical and electrical synapses in small Hindmarsch-Rose neural networks on synchronisation and on the rate of information
The Complex Geometry of Weak Piecewise Smooth Solutions of Integrable Nonlinear PDE's of Shallow Water and Dym Type
The Complex Ginzburg-Landau Equation in the Presence of Walls and Corners
The Complexity of Proving Chaoticity and the Church-Turing Thesis
The conservative cascade of kinetic energy in compressible turbulence
The Construction of a Quantum Markov Partition