Test of the Quantum Chaoticity Criterion for Diamagnetic Kepler Problem
Testing a Fast Dynamical Indicator: The MEGNO
Testing and forecasting the time series of the solar activity by singular spectrum analysis
Testing for an attractor in the low-speed solar wind flow
Testing for Chaos in Deterministic Systems with Noise
Testing for General Dynamical Stationarity with a Symbolic Data Compression Technique
Testing for nonlinearity in unevenly sampled time series
Testing the accuracy of the overlap criterion
Testing the assumptions of linear prediction analysis in normal vowels
Testing the Markov condition in ion channel recordings
Texture Segmentation by Local Bi-Orthogonal Decomposition
The Accuracy of Semiclassical Quantization for Integrable Systems
The accurate and comprehensive model of thin fluid flows with inertia on curved substrates
The ambiguous meaning of irreversibility
The analytic structure of 2D Euler flow at short times
The Approach to Ergodicity in the Quantum Baker's Map
The Arbitrary Trajectory Quantization Method
The autocorrelation function for spectral determinants of quantum graphs
The averaged dynamics of the hydrogen atom in crossed electric and magnetic fields as a perturbed Kepler problem
The Berry Paradox