Transitions to Intermittency and Collective Behavior in Randomly Coupled Map Networks
Transitions to Line-Defect Turbulence in Complex Oscillatory Media
Transitions to Measure Synchronization in Coupled Hamiltonian Systems
Transitions to quantum chaos in a generic one-parameter family of billiards
Transitions To the Long-Resident State in coupled chaotic oscillators
Translation of Leonhard Euler's: General Principles of the Motion of Fluids
Translationally invariant cumulants in energy cascade models of turbulence
Transmission and Reflection in the Stadium Billiard: Time-dependent asymmetric transport
Transmission of information and synchronization in a pair of coupled chaotic circuits: an experimental overview
Transmission of Information in Active Networks
Transmitting a signal by amplitude modulation in a chaotic network
Transport and diffusion in the embedding map
Transport control in deterministic ratchet system
Transport in finite size systems: an exit time approach
Transport in perturbed integrable Hamiltonian systems and the fractality of phase space
Transport in Thin Gravity-driven Flow over a Curved Substrate
Transport in Transitory Dynamical Systems
Transport moments beyond the leading order
Transport of Mars-Crossing Asteroids from the Quasi-Hilda Region
Transport properties in chaotic and non-chaotic many particles systems