Renormalization of Quantum Anosov Maps: Reduction to Fixed Boundary Conditions
Renormalization-group approach to the stochastic Navier--Stokes equation: Two-loop approximation
Renormalized HVBK dynamics for Superfluid Helium Turbulence
Renormalized transport of inertial particles in surface flows
Renormalized waves and thermalization of the Klein-Gordon equation: What sound does a nonlinear string make?
Renormalizing Partial Differential Equations
Replicate Periodic Windows in the Parameter Space of Driven Oscillators
Reply to a Comment by J. Bolte, R. Glaser and S. Keppeler on: Semiclassical theory of spin-orbit interactions using spin coherent states
Reply to E.G.D. Cohen, L. Rondoni, Physica A 306 (2002) 117
Resemblances and differences in mechanisms of noise-induced resonance
Resolving isospectral "drums" by counting nodal domains
Resonance Clustering in Globally Coupled Electrochemical Oscillators with External Forcing
Resonance distribution in open quantum chaotic systems
Resonance Patterns in a Stadium-shaped Microcavity
Resonance phenomena in discrete systems with bichromatic input signal
Resonance phenomenon for the Galerkin-truncated Burgers and Euler equations
Resonance spectra and a periodic orbit sum rule for bound chaotic systems
Resonance transitions associated to weak capture in the restricted three-body problem
Resonance Zones and Lobe Volumes for Volume-Preserving Maps
Resonance zones in action space