Reliable and unreliable dynamics in driven coupled oscillators
Remark on the relation between passive scalars and diffusion backward in time
Remarkable evolutionary laws of absolute and relative entropies with dynamical systems
Remarks on NonHamiltonian Statistical Mechanics: Lyapunov Exponents and Phase-Space Dimensionality Loss
Remarks on Power Spectra of Chaotic Dynamical Systems
Remarks on the KLB theory of two-dimensional turbulence
Remarks on the mean field dynamics of networks of chaotic elements
Reminiscences on science at I.H.E.S. A problem on homoclinic theory and a brief review
Renormalization analysis of intermittency in two coupled maps
Renormalization Analysis of Resonance Structure in 2-D Symplectic Map
Renormalization and destruction of $1/γ^2$ tori in the standard nontwist map
Renormalization for cubic frequency invariant tori in Hamiltonian systems with two degrees of freedom
Renormalization Group and Asymptotics of Solutions of Nonlinear Parabolic Equations
Renormalization group and isochronous oscillations
Renormalization group equations and integrability in Hamiltonian systems
Renormalization group in difference systems
Renormalization group in the infinite-dimensional turbulence: third-order results
Renormalization group in the statistical theory of turbulence: Two-loop approximation
Renormalization group method and canonical perturbation theory
Renormalization group, operator product expansion and anomalous scaling in models of passive turbulent advection