Reconnection of Stable/Unstable Manifolds of the Harper Map
Reconnection of Unstable/Stable Manifolds of the Harper Map
Reconstructing phase dynamics of oscillator networks
Reconstruction of systems with delayed feedback: (II) Application
Recovering Isotropic Statistics in Turbulence Simulations: The Kolmogorov 4/5th-Law
Recovery of chaotic tunneling due to destruction of dynamical localization by external noise
Recovery of the Time-Evolution Equation of Time-Delay Systems from Time Series
Rectification of current in ac-driven nonlinear systems and symmetry properties of the Boltzmann equation
Recurrence networks - A novel paradigm for nonlinear time series analysis
Recurrence of particles in static and time varying oval billiards
Recurrence Quantification Analysis and Principal Components in the Detection of Short Complex Signals
Recurrence Quantification Analysis of Financial Market Crashes and Crises
Recurrence Time Statistics for Finite Size Intervals
Recurrence-based time series analysis by means of complex network methods
Recursive Proportional Feedback and its Use to Control Chaos in an Electrochemical System
Recursive Tangential-Angular Operator as Analyzer of Synchronized Chaos
Recycling Parrondo games
Reducing multiphoton ionization in a linearly polarized microwave field by local control
Reducing or enhancing chaos using periodic orbits
Reduction of continuous symmetries of chaotic flows by the method of slices