Rich Variety of Bifurcations and Chaos in a Variant of Murali-Lakshmanan-Chua Circuit
Riddled-like Basin in Two-Dimensional Map for Bouncing Motion of an Inelastic Particle on a Vibrating Board
Riddling and chaotic synchronization of coupled piecewise-linear Lorenz maps
Riemann zeros, prime numbers and fractal potentials
Riemann zeta function and quantum chaos
Riemann zeta function is a fractal
Rifts in Spreading Wax Layers
Rigged Hilbert Space Approach to Spectral Analysis of the Frobenius-Perron Operator for the Tent-map
Ring Intermittency in Coupled Chaotic Oscillators at the Boundary of Phase Synchronization
Robust Chaos
Robust chaos with prescribed natural invariant measure and Lyapunov exponent
Robust chaos with variable Lyapunov exponent in smooth one-dimensional maps
Robust synchronization with uniform ultimate bound between two different chaotic systems with uncertainties
Robustness of Optimal Synchronization in Real Networks
Robustness of Supersensitivity to Small Signals in Nonlinear Dynamical Systems
ROC Analysis and a Realistic Model of Heart Rate Variability
Role of chaos for the validity of statistical mechanics laws: diffusion and conduction
Role of pressure in turbulence
Role of Symmetry and Geometry in a chaotic Pseudo-Random Bit Generator
Rotating Accelerator-Mode Islands