Parry measure and the topological entropy of chaotic repellers embedded within chaotic attractors
Partial Dynamical Symmetry and Mixed Dynamics
Partial Synchronization on Complex Networks
Particle separation by Stokes number for small neutrally buoyant spheres in a fluid
Particle transport in a random velocity field with Lagrangian statistics
Particle with internal dynamical asymmetry: chaotic self-propulsion and turning
Passive fields and particles in chaotic flows
Passive Scalar Evolution in Peripheral Region
Passive scalar intermittency in compressible flow
Passive scalar intermittency in low temperature helium flows
Passive scalar transport in peripheral regions of random flows
Passive scalar turbulence in high dimensions
Passive Scalar: Scaling Exponents and Realizability
Passive Scalars and Three-Dimensional Liouvillian Maps
Passive Tracer Dispersion with Random or Periodic Source
Passive tracer in a slowly decorrelating random flow with a large mean
Past events never come back
Path integration over closed loops and Gutzwiller's trace formula
Path-integral evolution of chaos embedded in noise: Duffing neocortical analog
Pattern formation in oscillatory complex networks consisting of excitable nodes