Multifractal properties of return time statistics
Multifractal statistics of Lagrangian velocity and acceleration in turbulence
Multifractal wave functions of simple quantum maps
Multifractality and intermediate statistics in quantum maps
Multifractality and scale invariance in human heartbeat dynamics
Multifractality of the Feigenbaum attractor and fractional derivatives
Multifractals via recurrence times ?
Multipath Amplification of Chaotic Radio Pulses and UWB Communications
Multiple Attractor Bifurcations: A Source of Unpredictability in Piecewise Smooth Systems
Multiple Attractor in Newton -Leipnik System, Peak to Peak dynamics and Chaos Control
Multiple Components in Narrow Planetary Rings
Multiple Perron-Frobenius operators
Multiple regimes of diffusion
Multiplex Chaos Synchronization in Semiconductor Lasers with Multiple Optoelectronic Feedbacks
Multiplexing of discrete chaotic signals in presence of noise
Multiplicative semiclassical dynamics and the quantization time
Multiplicities of Periodic Orbit Lengths for Non-Arithmetic Models
Multiplicity of Limit Cycle Attractors in Coupled Heteroclinic Cycles
Multiplier phenomenology in random multiplicative cascade processes
Multiresolution analysis of fluctuations in non-stationary time series through discrete wavelets