Mel'nikov Analysis of Homoclinic Chaos in a Perturbed sine-Gordon Equation
Mel'nikov method revisited
Melnikov analysis for multi-symplectic PDEs
Melnikov method approach to control of homoclinic and heteroclinic chaos by weak harmonic excitations
Melnikov's approximation dominance. Some examples
Memory difference control of unknown unstable fixed points: Drifting parameter conditions and delayed measurement
Mesoscopic modeling of a two-phase flow in the presence of boundaries: the Contact Angle
Mesoscopic modeling of heterogeneous boundary conditions for microchannel flows
Method of Asymptotics beyond All Orders and Restriction on Maps
Method of constructing exactly solvable chaos
Methods for the analysis of the Lindstedt series for KAM tori and renormalizability in classical mechanics
Metric Entropy and the Optimal Prediction of Chaotic Signals
Metric structures of inviscid flows
Microscopic and Macroscopic Stress with Gravitational and Rotational Forces
Microscopic chaos and diffusion
Microscopic chaos and transport in thermostated dynamical systems
Microscopic chaos from Brownian motion in a one-dimensional anharmonic oscillator chain
Microscopic Space Dimensions and the Discreteness of Time
Microscopic theory of the Andreev gap
Microwave fidelity studies by varying antenna coupling