Mean- Field Approximation and Extended Self-Similarity in Turbulence
Mean-field equations for weakly nonlinear two-scale perturbations of forced hydromagnetic convection in a rotating layer
Meanders and Reconnection-Collision Sequences in the Standard Nontwist Map
Measurement of entropy production rate in compressible turbulence
Measurement of synchronization properties in systems with different excitation levels
Measurement of Wave Chaotic Eigenfunctions in the Time-Reversal Symmetry-Breaking Crossover Regime
Measures of Anisotropy and the Universal Properties of Turbulence
Measuring billiard eigenfunctions with arbitrary trajectories
Measuring Information Transfer
Measuring Scars of Periodic Orbits
Measuring the Lyapunov exponent using quantum mechanics
Measuring Topological Chaos
Mecanique statistique hors equilibre: l'heritage de Boltzmann
Mechanical filtering in forced-oscillation of two coupled pendulums
Mechanism for the Intermittent Route to Strange Nonchaotic Attractors
Mechanism of destruction of transport barriers in geophysical jets with Rossby waves
Mechanism of synchronization in a random dynamical system
Mechanisms Behind the Generalized Synchronization Conditions
Mechanisms for Stable Sonoluminescence
Meeting time distributions in Bernoulli systems