Lyapunov analysis captures the collective dynamics of large chaotic systems
Lyapunov exponent and natural invariant density determination of chaotic maps: An iterative maximum entropy ansatz
Lyapunov exponent for a gas of soft scatterers
Lyapunov exponent for inertial particles in the 2D Kraichnan model as a problem of Anderson localization with complex valued potential
Lyapunov Exponent Pairing for a Thermostatted Hard-Sphere Gas under Shear in the Thermodynamic Limit
Lyapunov Exponent, Generalized Entropies and Fractal Dimensions Of Hot Drops
Lyapunov exponents and anomalous diffusion of a Lorentz gas with infinite horizon using approximate zeta functions
Lyapunov exponents and Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy for a high-dimensional convex billiard
Lyapunov Exponents and KS Entropy for the Lorentz Gas at Low Densities
Lyapunov exponents for hydromagnetic convection
Lyapunov Exponents for the Intermittent Transition to Chaos
Lyapunov exponents from geodesic spread in configuration space
Lyapunov Exponents from Kinetic Theory for a Dilute, Field-driven Lorentz Gas
Lyapunov exponents from unstable periodic orbits in the FPU-beta model
Lyapunov exponents of heavy particles in turbulence
Lyapunov Exponents without Rescaling and Reorthogonalization
Lyapunov exponents, entropy production and decoherence
Lyapunov Exponents, Transport and the Extensivity of Dimensional Loss
Lyapunov instabilities of Lennard-Jones fluids
Lyapunov instability and collective tangent space dynamics of fluids