Local Scaling in Homogeneous Hamiltonian Systems
Local shell-to-shell energy transfer via nonlocal Interactions in fluid turbulence
Localised control for non-resonant Hamiltonian systems
Locality and stability of the cascades of two-dimensional turbulence
Localization and delocalization in the quantum kicked prime number rotator
Localization and Fluctuations in Quantum Kicked Rotors
Localization in discontinuous quantum systems
Localization in Strongly Chaotic Systems
Localization in the non-analytic quantum kicked systems
Localization of Eigenfunctions in the Stadium Billiard
Localization Properties of Covariant Lyapunov Vectors
Localization properties of groups of eigenstates in chaotic systems
Localized behavior in the Lyapunov vectors for quasi-one-dimensional many-hard-disk systems
Localized Optimal Control of Spatiotemporal Chaos
Localized Perturbations of Integrable Systems
Localized States in the Chaotic Ce Atom
Localized structures in coupled Ginzburg-Landau equations
Locating periodic orbits by Topological Degree theory
Locating Pollicott-Ruelle resonances in chaotic dynamical systems: A class of numerical schemes
Locking-time and Information Capacity in CML with Statistical Periodicity