Laplacian Growth II: Pole solutions in formation of the Saffman-Taylor Finger with one half of the channel width without surface tension
Large Coherent Structure Formation by Magnetic Stretching Term in Two-Dimensional MHD Turbulence
Large coupled oscillator systems with heterogeneous interaction delays
Large deviation rule for Anosov flows
Large Deviations and a Fluctuation Symmetry for Chaotic Homeomorphisms
Large eddy simulation of two-dimensional isotropic turbulence
Large Fluctuations in Stochastically Perturbed Nonlinear Systems: Applications in Computing
Large Global Coupled Maps with Multiple Attractors
Large negative velocity gradients in Burgers turbulence
Large scale inhomogeneity of inertial particles in turbulent flow
Large scale instabilities in two-dimensional magnetohydrodynamics
Large-Eddy Simulation closures of passive scalar turbulence: a systematic approach
Large-Eddy Simulations of Fluid and Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence Using Renormalized Parameters
Large-scale anisotropy in scalar turbulence
Large-Scale Coherence and Law of Decay of Two-Dimensional Turbulence
Large-scale effects on meso-scale modeling for scalar transport
Large-scale energy spectra in surface quasi-geostrophic turbulence
Large-scale properties of passive scalar advection
Large-System Phase-Space Dimensionality Loss in Stationary Heat Flows
Largest Lyapunov Exponent for Many Particle Systems at Low Densities