Initial Condition Sensitivity of Global Quantities in Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence
Initial Conditions for Models of Dynamical Systems
Initialization and the quasi-geostrophic slow manifold
Inside-Outside Duality for Planar Billiards -- A Numerical Study
Instabilities and stickiness in a 3D rotating galactic potential
Instability and Evolution of Nonlinearly Interacting Water Waves
Instability of two interacting, quasi-monochromatic waves in shallow water
Instability statistics and mixing rates
Instanton Calculus in Shell Models of Turbulence
Instanton for the Kraichnan Passive Scalar Problem
Integrability and action operators in quantum Hamiltonian systems
Integrability and chaos: the classical uncertainty
Integrability and Ergodicity of Classical Billiards in a Magnetic Field
Integrability of the problem of motion of a cylinder and a point vortex in a perfect fluid
Integrable random matrix ensembles
Integrals of motion and the shape of the attractor for the Lorenz model
Integrating Random Matrix Theory Predictions with Short-Time Dynamical Effects in Chaotic Systems
Interaction and chaotic dynamics of the classical hydrogen atom in an electromagnetic field
Interaction and Localization of One-electron Orbitals in an Organic Molecule: Fictitious Parameter Analysis for Multi-physics Simulations
Interaction of Nonlinear Schrödinger Solitons with an External Potential