Influence of diffraction on the spectrum and wavefunctions of an open system
Influence of Dynamical Pauli Effect and Dynamical Symmetry Breaking to Quantum Chaos
Influence of helicity on anomalous scaling of a passive scalar advected by the turbulent velocity field with finite correlation time: Two-loop approximation
Influence of helicity on scaling regimes in the extended Kraichnan model
Influence of nonlinear dissipation and external perturbations onto transition scenarious to chaos in Lorenz-Haken system
Influence of symmetry breaking on the fluctuation properties of spectra
Influence of the Noise Spectrum on Stochastic Acceleration
Influence of weak anisotropy on scaling regimes in a model of advected vector field
Information encoding in homoclinic chaotic systems
Information Flow through a Chaotic Channel: Prediction and Postdiction at Finite Resolution
Information flow within stochastic dynamical systems
Information processing by a controlled coupling process
Information transfer and nontrivial collective behavior in chaotic coupled map networks
Information-Geometric Indicators of Chaos in Gaussian Models on Statistical Manifolds of Negative Ricci Curvature
Information-theoretic characterization of quantum chaos
Information-Theoretic Limits of Control
Inherent Frequency and Spatial Decomposition of the Lorenz Chaotic Attractor
Inherent global stabilization of unstable local behavior in coupled map lattices
Inhomogeneous Anisotropic Passive Scalars
Inhomogeneous turbulence in the vicinity of a large scale coherent vortex