Geometric dynamical observables in rare gas crystals
Geometric dynamics of optimization
Geometric features of the mixing of passive scalars at high Schmidt numbers
Geometric measures of redundance and irrelevance tradeoff exponent to choose suitable delay times for continuous systems
Geometric Numerical Integration Applied to The Elastic Pendulum at Higher Order Resonance
Geometric Phase and Classical-Quantum Correspondence
Geometric phases and anholonomy for a class of chaotic classical systems
Geometric properties of particle trajectories in turbulent flows
Geometric zero mode for the Kraichnan's problem of passive scalar advection
Geometrical approach for description of the mixed state in multi-well potentials
Geometrical approach to the distribution of the zeroes for the Husimi function
Geometrical Constraints on Finite-time Lyapunov Exponents in Two and Three Dimensions
Geometrical derivation of the Boltzmann factor
Geometrical Models of the Phase Space Structures Governing Reaction Dynamics
Geometrical Obstruction to the Integrability of Geodesic Flows: an Application to the Anisotropic Kepler Problem
Geometrical origin of chaoticity in the bouncing ball billiard
Geometrical Properties of Coupled Oscillators at Synchronization
Geometrical properties of local dynamics in Hamiltonian systems: the Generalized Alignment Index (GALI) method
Geometrical theory of diffraction and spectral statistics
Geometrization of spin systems using cycle expansions