Enstrophy bounds and the range of space-time scales in the hydrostatic primitive equations
Enstrophy dissipation in freely evolving two-dimensional turbulence
Entanglement measures in quantum and classical chaos
Entangling power of quantized chaotic systems
Entire Fredholm determinants for Evaluation of Semi-classical and Thermodynamical Spectra
Entrainment control of chaos near unstable periodic orbits
Entrainment of marginally stable excitation waves by spatially extended sub-threshold periodic forcing
Entropic nonextensivity as a measure of time series complexity
Entropies in case of continuous time
Entropy and bifurcations in a chaotic laser
Entropy and Long range correlations in literary English
Entropy computing via integration over fractal measures
Entropy driven intermitency
Entropy Generation in Computation and the Second Law of Thermodynamics
Entropy of Chaotic Oscillations of Currents in the Chua Circuit and its HMM Analysis
Entropy potential and Lyapunov exponents
Entropy Production : From Open Volume Preserving to Dissipative Systems
Entropy Production and Heat Generation in Computational Processes
Entropy production and Lyapunov instability at the onset of turbulent convection
Entropy production away from the equilibrium