Elastic turbulence in curvilinear flows of polymer solutions
Elastic waves and transition to elastic turbulence in a two-dimensional viscoelastic Kolmogorov flow
Electrodynamics of a two-electron atom with retardation and self-interaction effects
Electrodynamics of helium with retardation and diffusion along the center manifold of Wannier orbits
Electromagnetic Oscillations in a Driven Nonlinear Resonator: A New Description of Complex Nonlinear Dynamics
Electronic Circuit Realization of the Logistic Map
Electronic circuits manifesting hyperbolic chaos and their simulation with software package Multisim
Elimination of Chaos in Multimode, Intracavity-doubled Lasers in the Presence of Spatial Hole-burning
Elimination of spiral chaos by periodic force for the Aliev-Panfilov model
Elliptic instability in the Lagrangian-averaged Euler-Boussinesq-alpha equations
Elliptic Quantum Billiard
Embedding a chaotic signature in a periodic train: can periodic signals be chaotic?
Embeddings of low-dimensional strange attractors: Topological invariants and degrees of freedom
Emergence of chaotic attractor and anti-synchronization for two coupled monostable neurons
Emergence of chaotic behaviour in linearly stable systems
Emergence of Chaotic Itinerancy in Simple Ecological Systems
Emergence of coherent motion in aggregates of motile coupled maps
Emergence of patterns in driven and in autonomous spatiotemporal systems
Emergence of the stochastic resonance in glow discharge plasma
Emergence of zero-lag synchronization in generic mutually coupled chaotic systems