Experimental realization of mixed-synchronization in counter-rotating coupled oscillators
Experimental realization of strange nonchaotic attractors in a quasiperiodically forced electronic circuit
Experimental simulation of quantum graphs by microwave networks
Experimental studies of Chaos and Localization in Quantum Wavefunctions
Experimental study of generic billiards with microwave resonators
Experimental study of imperfect phase synchronization in the forced Lorenz system
Experimental study of two-dimensional enstrophy cascade
Experimental Synchronization of Spatiotemporal Chaos in Nonlinear Optics
Experimental targeting and control of spatiotemporal chaos in nonlinear optics
Experimental Test of a Trace Formula for a Chaotic Three Dimensional Microwave Cavity
Experimental test of a trace formula for two-dimensional dielectric resonators
Experimental test of the Gallavotti-Cohen fluctuation theorem in turbulent flows
Experimental verification of fidelity decay: From perturbative to Fermi Golden Rule regime
Experimental vs. Numerical Eigenvalues of a Bunimovich Stadium Billiard -- A Comparison
Experiments with a Malkus-Lorenz water wheel: Chaos and Synchronization
Explicit Lie-Poisson integration and the Euler equations
Exploring and Simulating Chaotic Advection:A Difference Equations Approach
Exploring classical phase space structures of nearly integrable and mixed quantum systems via parametric variation
Exploring Periodic Orbit Expansions and Renormalisation with the Quantum Triangular Billiard
Exploring phase space localization of chaotic eigenstates via parametric variation