Dynamical Simulation of Fluidized Beds --- Hydrodynamically Interacting Granular Particles
Dynamical Slowdown of Polymers in Laminar and Random Flows
Dynamical Study of a Second Order DPCM Transmission System Modeled by a Piece-Wise Linear Function
Dynamical Systems and Factors of Finite Automata
Dynamical Systems as Logic Gates
Dynamical systems on infinitely sheeted Riemann surfaces
Dynamical Systems on Three Manifolds Part I: Knots, Links and Chaos
Dynamical systems theory for music dynamics
Dynamical Systems, Stability, and Chaos
Dynamical Systems: Some Computational Problems
Dynamical Topological Symmetry Breaking as the Origin of Turbulence, Non-Markovianity, and Self-Similarity
Dynamical trapping and chaotic scattering of the harmonically driven barrier
Dynamical traps and chaotic advection in a meandering jet flow
Dynamical tunneling and control
Dynamical Tunneling in Many-Dimensional Chaotic Systems
Dynamical tunneling in molecules: role of the classical resonances and chaos
Dynamical tunneling in mushroom billiards
Dynamical tunneling in optical cavities
Dynamical zeta functions for Artin's billiard and the Venkov--Zograf factorization formula
Dynamics and computation in functional shifts