A Fredholm Determinant for Semi-classical Quantization
A frequency measure robust to linear filtering
A Genealogy for Finite Kneading Sequences of Bimodal Maps on the Interval
A general approach to the localization of unstable periodic orbits in chaotic dynamical systems
A General Class of Collatz Sequence and Ruin Problem
A Generalization of Chaitin's Halting Probability Ωand Halting Self-Similar Sets
A Generalization of the Theory of Normal Forms
A generalized model of active media with a set of interacting pacemakers: Application to the heart beat analysis
A generating partition for the standard map
A Geometric, Dynamical Approach to Thermodynamics
A Geometrical Model for Stagnant Motion in Hamiltonian Systems with Many Degrees of Freedom
A Gibbs-like measure for single-time, multi-scale energy transfer in stochastic signals and Shell Model of turbulence
A Graphical User Interface to Simulate Classical Billiard Systems
A Hamiltonian system for interacting Benjamin-Feir resonances
A Hamiltonian weak-wave model for shallow-water flow
A hierarchy of length scales for weak solutions of the three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations
A hybrid approach for predicting the distribution of vibro-acoustic energy in complex built-up structures
A hybrid method for calculation of Ruelle-Pollicott resonances
A hypothesis concerning "quantal" Hilbert space criterion of chaos in nonlinear dynamical systems
A KAM type theorem for systems with round-off errors