Approach to ergodicity in quantum wave functions
Approach to predictability via anticipated synchronization
Approximate Description of the Mandelbrot Set. Thermodynamic Analogy
Approximate renormalization for the break-up of invariant tori with three frequencies
Approximate rogue wave solutions of the forced and damped Nonlinear Schrödinger equation for water waves
Approximate zeta functions for the Sinai billiard and related systems
Approximating multi-dimensional Hamiltonian flows by billiards
Approximating the mapping between systems exhibiting generalized synchronization
Approximation Techniques for Non Linear Oscillators
Arbitrariness in defining fractal basins: Relations between open and closed systems
Are generalized synchronization and noise--induced synchronization identical types of synchronous behavior of chaotic oscillators?
Arnold cat map, Ulam method and time reversal
Artificiality of multifractal phase transitions
Aspects of Bifurcation Theory for Piecewise-Smooth, Continuous Systems
Aspects of the Scattering and Impedance Properties of Chaotic Microwave Cavities
Aspects of the stochastic Burgers equation and their connection with turbulence
Assessing Turbulence Strength via Lyaponuv Exponents
Asymmetric Cellular Automaton Modeling Earthquakes
Asymmetric double well system as effective model for the kicked one
Asymmetric time correlations in turbulent shear flows