Catalan numbers and power laws in cellular automaton rule 14
Cell-centric heuristics for the classification of cellular automata
Cellular Automata Modeling of Continuous Stirred Tank Reactors
Cellular Automata Networks
Cellular Automata Rules and Linear Numbers
Cellular Automata under the influence of noise
Cellular Automata, PDEs, and Pattern Formation
Cellular Automaton for Realistic Modelling of Landslides
Cellular Automaton Model for Immunology of Tumor Growth
Cellular automaton model of precipitation/dissolution coupled with solute transport
Cellular automaton model of reaction-transport processes
Cellular Automaton Rule184++C. A Simple Model for the Complex Dynamics of Various Particles Flow
Cellular automaton supercolliders
Chaos control in random Boolean networks by reducing mean damage percolation rate
Characterization of Multispecies Living Ecosystems With Cellular Automata
Choose interelement coupling to preserve self-adjoint dynamics in multiscale modelling and computation
Coalescing Cellular Automata
Coalescing Cellular Automata -- Synchronizing CA by Common Random Source and Varying Asynchronicity
Coarse Projective kMC Integration: Forward/Reverse Initial and Boundary Value Problems
Coarse-grained entropy rates for characterization of complex time series