Data Analysis Techniques for Resolving Nonlinear Processes in Plasmas : a Review
Detecting Nonlinearity in Data with Long Coherence Times
Detecting nonlinearity in multivariate time series
Detecting Nonlinearity in Pressure Data Inside the Draft Tube of a Real Francis Turbine
Detecting synchronization in spatially extended discrete systems by complexity measurements
Determining a regular language by glider-based structures called phases fi_1 in Rule 110
Deterministic Chaos in Tropical Atmospheric Dynamics
Deterministic site exchange cellular automata model for the spread of diseases in human settlements
Diffusion in a multi-component Lattice Boltzmann Equation model
Diffusion in Lorentz Lattice Gas Cellular Automata: the honeycomb and quasi-lattices compared with the square and triangular lattices
Dimension-splitting for simplifying diffusion in lattice-gas models
Discontinuous nonequilibrium phase transitions in a nonlinearly pulse-coupled excitable lattice model
Discrete analogue computing with rotor-routers
Discrete Physics: a new way to look at cryptography
Discrete-time quantum walks on one-dimensional lattices
Discretization of the velocity space in solution of the Boltzmann equation
Dissolution of traffic jam via additional local interactions
Domain Growth, Wetting and Scaling in Porous Media
Don't bleach chaotic data
Dynamic Domains Networks