Wavelet estimation of the long memory parameter for Hermite polynomial of Gaussian processes
Wavelet penalized likelihood estimation in generalized partially linear models
Wavelet regression in random design with heteroscedastic dependent errors
Wavelet thresholding estimation in a Poissonian interactions model with application to genomic data
Wavelet thresholding for nonnecessarily Gaussian noise: functionality
Wavelet-based estimation with multiple sampling rates
Weak Consistency of Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods
Weak convergence in the functional autoregressive model
Weak convergence of the function-indexed integrated periodogram for infinite variance processes
Weak convergence of the regularization path in penalized M-estimation
Weak convergence of the supremum distance for supersmooth kernel deconvolution
Weak Convergence to Stochastic Integrals Driven by $α-$Stable Lévy Processes
Weak limits for exploratory plots in the analysis of extremes
Weakly Convergent Nonparametric Forecasting of Stationary Time Series
Weakly dependent functional data
Weighted approximations of tail copula processes with application to testing the bivariate extreme value condition
Weighted empirical likelihood in some two-sample semiparametric models with various types of censored data
Weighted Frechet Means as Convex Combinations in Metric Spaces: Properties and Generalized Median Inequalities
Weighted Hypothesis Testing
Weighted likelihood estimation under two-phase sampling