Smoothed weighted empirical likelihood ratio confidence intervals for quantiles
Smoothing $\ell_1$-penalized estimators for high-dimensional time-course data
Smoothing splines estimators for functional linear regression
Smoothing under diffeomorphic constraints with homeomorphic splines
Smoothing-inspired lack-of-fit tests based on ranks
Smoothness of Gaussian conditional independence models
Sobolev tests of goodness of fit of distributions on compact Riemannian manifolds
Solving the Likelihood Equations
SOM-based algorithms for qualitative variables
Some aspects of extreme value theory under serial dependence
Some Asymptotic Results of Gaussian Random Fields with Varying Mean Functions and the Associated Processes
Some asymptotic results on density estimators by wavelet projections
Some convergence results on quadratic forms for random fields and application to empirical covariances
Some covariance models based on normal scale mixtures
Some facts about functionals of location and scatter
Some Fundamental Properties of Multivariate von Mises Distributions
Some improvements in numerical evaluation of symmetric stable density and its derivatives
Some incomplete and boundedly complete families of discrete distributions
Some intriguing properties of Tukey's half-space depth
Some new almost sure results on the functional increments of the uniform empirical process