Simultaneous critical values for $t$-tests in very high dimensions
Simultaneous estimation of the mean and the variance in heteroscedastic Gaussian regression
Simultaneous Inference of Covariances
Simultaneous nonparametric inference of time series
Simultaneous prediction of independent Poisson observables
Simultaneous support recovery in high dimensions: Benefits and perils of block $\ell_1/\ell_\infty$-regularization
Single index regression models in the presence of censoring depending on the covariates
Single-index Regression models with right-censored responses
Size, power and false discovery rates
Size-biased branching population measures and the multi-type $x\log x$ condition
Skewness and kurtosis as locally best invariant tests of normality
Slicing: Nonsingular Estimation of High Dimensional Covariance Matrices Using Multiway Kronecker Delta Covariance Structures
Small time Edgeworth-type expansions for weakly convergent nonhomogeneous Markov chains
Small-sample likelihood inference in extreme-value regression models
Smooth and non-smooth estimates of a monotone hazard
Smooth backfitting in generalized additive models
Smooth estimation of mean residual life under random censoring
Smooth plug-in inverse estimators in the current status continuous mark model
Smooth tail index estimation
Smoothed log-concave maximum likelihood estimation with applications