Stochastic Lipschitz continuity for high dimensional Lasso with multiple linear covariate structures or hidden linear covariates
Stochastic Ordering of Exponential Family Distributions and Their Mixtures
Strategies for prediction under imperfect monitoring
Strictly stationary solutions of multivariate ARMA equations with i.i.d. noise
Strong and Weak Laws of Large Numbers for Frechet Sample Means in Finite Metric Spaces
Strong Approximation of Empirical Copula Processes by Gaussian Processes
Strong approximations of level exceedences related to multiple hypothesis testing
Strong Asymptotic Assertions for Discrete MDL in Regression and Classification
Strong confidence intervals for autoregression
Strong consistency of MLE for finite mixtures of location-scale distributions when the ratios of the scale parameters are exponentially small
Strong consistency of MLE for finite mixtures of location-scale distributions when the scale parameters are exponentially small (full version)
Strong consistency of MLE for finite uniform mixtures when the scale parameters are exponentially small
Strong consistency of the maximum likelihood estimator for finite mixtures of location-scale distributions when penalty is imposed on the ratios of the scale parameters
Strong Gaussian approximations of product-limit and Quantile Processes for Strong mixing and censored data
Strong invariance principles for sequential Bahadur--Kiefer and Vervaat error processes of long-range dependent sequences
Strong rules for discarding predictors in lasso-type problems
Structural adaptation in the single-index model
Structural adaptation via $L_p$-norm oracle inequalities
Structural Properties of Bayesian Bandits with Exponential Family Distributions
Structural shrinkage of nonparametric spectral estimators for multivariate time series