Residuals and goodness-of-fit tests for stationary marked Gibbs point processes
Resolvable designs with large blocks
Response surface methodology: Asymptotic normality of the optimal solution
Restricted Eigenvalue Conditions on Subgaussian Random Matrices
Restricted estimation of the cumulative incidence functions corresponding to competing risks
Retaining positive definiteness in thresholded matrices
Retrospective change-point detection and estimation in multivariate linear models
Revisiting Marginal Regression
Revisiting Révész's stochastic approximation method for the estimation of a regression function
Revisiting two strong approximation results of Dudley and Philipp
Risk and resampling under model uncertainty
Risk Bounds for Embedded Variable Selection in Classification Trees
Risk bounds for purely uniformly random forests
Risk bounds for statistical learning
Risk bounds for the non-parametric estimation of Lévy processes
Risk hull method and regularization by projections of ill-posed inverse problems
Robust Adaptive Rate-Optimal Testing for the White Noise Hypothesis
Robust approachability and regret minimization in games with partial monitoring
Robust empirical mean Estimators
Robust Estimation and Wavelet Thresholding in Partial Linear Models