On multivariate quantiles under partial orders
On non-asymptotic bounds for estimation in generalized linear models with highly correlated design
On Non-parametric Estimation of the Lévy Kernel of Recurrent Markov Processes
On non-stationary threshold autoregressive models
On nonlinear Markov chain Monte Carlo
On nonlinear TAR processes and threshold estimation
On nonparametric and semiparametric testing for multivariate linear time series
On nonparametric maximum likelihood for a class of stochastic inverse problems
On Normal Variance-Mean Mixtures
On optimal quantization rules for some problems in sequential decentralized detection
On optimal spatial subsample size for variance estimation
On optimality of Bayesian testimation in the normal means problem
On Optimality of Stepdown and Stepup Multiple Test Procedures
On Optimality of the Shiryaev-Roberts Procedure for Detecting a Change in Distribution
On Optimality Properties of the Shiryaev-Roberts Procedure
On Parameter Estimation of Threshold Autoregressive Models
On peeling procedure applied to a Poisson point process
On pointwise adaptive curve estimation with a degenerate random design
On polyhedral approximations of polytopes for learning Bayes nets
On posterior distribution of Bayesian wavelet thresholding