Local polynomial regression and variable selection
Local Polynomial Regression Based on Functional Data
Local polynomial regression on unknown manifolds
Local power of the LR, Wald, score and gradient tests in dispersion models
Local Proper Scoring Rules of Order Two
Local quasi-likelihood with a parametric guide
Local Rademacher complexities
Local time and Tanaka formula for a Volterra-type multifractional Gaussian process
Local Whittle estimation in nonstationary and unit root cases
Localisation of Geometric Anisotropy
Localization from Incomplete Noisy Distance Measurements
Localized spherical deconvolution
Localizing the Latent Structure Canonical Uncertainty: Entropy Profiles for Hidden Markov Models
Locally adaptive estimation methods with application to univariate time series
Locally adaptive estimation of evolutionary wavelet spectra
Locally most powerful sequential tests of a simple hypothesis vs one-sided alternatives
Locally stationary long memory estimation
Locally Stationary Processes
Log-average periodogram estimator of the memory parameter
Logic, Reasoning under Uncertainty and Causality