High Dimensional Statistical Inference and Random Matrices
High Dimensional Structure Learning of Ising Models on Sparse Random Graphs
High dimensional Wilks phenomena in random graph models
High Frequency Asymptotics for Wavelet-Based Tests for Gaussianity and Isotropy on the Torus
High frequency sampling of a continuous-time ARMA process
High moment partial sum processes of residuals in GARCH models and their applications
High-dimensional additive hazard models and the Lasso
High-dimensional analysis of semidefinite relaxations for sparse principal components
High-dimensional classification using features annealed independence rules
High-dimensional covariance matrix estimation with missing observations
High-Dimensional Data Clustering
High-dimensional Gaussian model selection on a Gaussian design
High-dimensional generalized linear models and the lasso
High-Dimensional Graphical Model Selection Using $\ell_1$-Regularized Logistic Regression
High-dimensional instrumental variables regression and confidence sets
High-dimensional Ising model selection using ${\ell_1}$-regularized logistic regression
High-dimensional regression with noisy and missing data: Provable guarantees with non-convexity
High-dimensional regression with unknown variance
High-dimensional stochastic optimization with the generalized Dantzig estimator
High-dimensional variable selection